WideRight…Yet Another Epic Beatdown
AO: The Galaxy
When: 05/23/2019
QIC: WideRight
PAX (8): Sparky, Tweaker, Venus, So So Def, Cha-Ching, and Blue. Also, Turbine, who was a notably late arrival.
Disclaimer Given
Warm Up:
Mosey to Field then Windmill – 10x IC, Toy Soldier x 10x IC, Weed Picker – 10x IC, Hillbilly – 10x IC and SSH – 10x IC
The Thang:
Mosey to lower lot for 5x rounds of 4x corners for Fun! 10x count each exercise below:
- Round 1 sprint
- peter parkers
- Sumo squat
- burpees
- Captain Thor
- Round 2 bear crawl
- reverse lunges
- Bobby Hurley
- burpees
- Mer boys
- Round 3crawl bear
- Bonnie Blairs
- Smurf jacks
- burpees
- Chuck Norris merkins
- Round 4 crab walk
- werkins
- mountain goats
- burpees – (Turbin arrival)
- Chuck Norris Shoulder taps
- OMAHA added Round 5 crab walk
- Bonnie Blairs
- Mer Boys
- burpees
- Chuck Norris Merkins
Mosey to stairs, calf raises up 3x/stair , Al Gore for the Six, then mosey to Flag!
Mary time – LBC Flutter kicks, Freddy Mercs, monkey humpers, dying cockroach, American hammers, Alabama prom dates and Carolina Dry Docks
Prayers for Tweaker’s Dad and Mom in law, Chelsea back healing, F3 Babies OTW (galaxy and Wreck), reminder for Monday Murphs – check slack, and our F3 brothers
The WRSBDIAH Coffeeteria was open for business and well attended.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Where ya at, @Griswold? Miss you, brother!
SYITG tomorrow – Tweaker has the Q!