“Dealing” with an ImpromptQ
AO: Big Creek
When: 06/06/2019
QIC: Swiper
PAX (4): Bell, Sculley, Swiper, Big Daddy
We showed up in the gloom with no man running the show. YHC suggested the Deck of Death and provided the cards. Swiper ran with it.
After a short mosey, we circled up for the following:
15 x SSH
10 x Good Mornings
10 x Windmills
10 x Sun Gods
The Thang:
We took another mosey on over the covered pavilion in case the rain found us and started off with the deck. Each suite represented a different exercise with number being the reps. Face cards were 11-14 from Jack to Ace.
Hearts = LBC
Clubs = Merkins
Diamonds = Squats
Spades = Burpies
Joker = Iron Spiders (Quick explanation: In Balls to Wall position do toe taps on the ground with each foot for a single count).
There was plenty of mumblechatter to go around especially with the Ace of Spades coming up in the last 4 cards shortly after the Queen.
Afterwards, we did a quick cycle of Dips x 12, Step-Ups x 12, Lunges x 12, then repeat with 10 counts instead of 12.
We followed it up with some group call Mary (Rosalitas, Flutters, Leg Lifts, and Freddy Mercury’s)
- Call to sign up for the Spearhead Challenge
- 2nd F at the The Wild Wing Café in the collection next Thursday
- Prayers for the end of Big Daddy’s VBS week and for the weather to hold off for their end of week party for his church.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The D-Day beatdown over at the Norseman was a tempting offer, but I was glad to see a few HIMs show up to keep me company on a muggy, gloomy morning. Aye!