There is a Girlfriend on My Back
AO: The Norseman
When: 07/02/2019
QIC: Ha-ha
PAX (7): Cookie, Waffle House (from Charlotte), Groupie, Callahan, Nacho Libre, Sculley, Ha-ha
YHC expected a light crowd. Well, we almost always have a light crowd! But this morning the old AO was hopping with 7 PAX in attendance as 0530 rolled around. Brief disclaimer, everyone choose a Girlfriend for the next 45 minutes and lets mosey!
After a short mosey up to the big parking lot (you really don’t want to mosey too far with a girlfriend on your back) we circled for:
- Weed Pickers
- Imperial Walkers
The Thang:
We mosied down to turf field #2, otherwise known as a football field, for a four corners routine:
- Corner 1, 50 curls
- at the 50, pay toll, 5 burpees
- Corner 2, 50 merkins
- Corner 3, 50 skull crushers
- at the 50 pay toll, 5 burpees
- Corner 4, 50 overhead press
- Return to corner 1 and plank for the 6
Everyone cruised through the first round although 5 burpees after 50 skull crushers was a challenge!
Round #2:
- Corner 1, 40 kettle bell swings
- at the 50, pay toll, 5 burpees
- Corner 2, 40 bent over rows
- Corner 3, 40 merkins
- at the 50 pay toll, 5 burpees
- Corner 4, 40 overhead press
- Return to corner 1 and plank for the 6
It took more effort the second time around!
Off to the pull up bars for Morning Call. PAX plank and one at a time each PAX runs to the bars and counts out 10 pull ups. The rest of the PAX perform 10 merkins as he calls out the count. After each PAX has their turn we were off to the Miracle League pavilion.
4 PAX paired up for picnic table leg presses. One PAX planks on the table while the other partner lies on his back and leg presses the table until the other 3 PAX complete 20 step ups. Then flap jack and partner 2 does leg presses while the PAX on the wall doe 20 dips. Then change roles with table PAX going to the wall and wall PAX going to the tables and repeato.
Time is short so a mosey back to the the flag got us there at 0615.
Various July 4th schedule announcements
Remember PAX with ill love ones and relationship problems
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It was great to have Groupie and Waffle House here this morning. Groupie, we look forward to seeing you regularly!