The Barkley 5K Returns to The Widowmaker
AO: The Widowmaker
When: 02/01/2020
QIC: Ha-ha
PAX (25): Electric Worm (FNG), Mayhem, Legos, Homer, Boomer, Saint20, Squirtle, Zohan , Animal, Stroller, Pitstop, Pumba, Special K, Miller, Time, Pony Tail, Dosido, Lumbergh, Po-po, He-he, Little Hurt, Pinkie, Ha-ha, Devito, Trebek and one other that left early.
Another trip around the sun and it is my birthday again. For the second year YHC is putting on the Barkley 5K at The Widowmaker….. Which is not a 5K. In the style of the Barkley Marathons (Google it if you don’t know) the PAX are broken up into teams of 3-4 and are given a map of the park with way points on the map. At each way point is hidden a book in a plastic bag and instructions for an exercises to be performed before moving to the next way point. At each book the team tears out the page that corresponds to their team number as proof that they have found the way point. Loop one is clockwise, loop two is counter-clockwise and so forth. Each team has to stay together and complete all of the exercises. Slower teams get a bit of help by the faster teams having to find the books at each way point giving the slow team a chance to catch up.
5 loops is a complete race. In 1 hour. An it’s never been done.
This year I shortened the course up and beefed up the exercises to make it less about running speed.
None. Instructions were given before 0700, teams were formed and maps passed out. At 0700 the masses were released.
The Thang:
1st way point was across from the stairs at the park entrance. The book was hidden behind a tree across the street. Exercise is to crawl bear up the stairs to the trail. This was a difficult challenge as there were a lot of stairs!
2nd way point was down the trail from the bridge half way between the two trail intersections with the west loop. The book was hidden behind a stump off the trail. The exercise was to crab walk to the next trail intersection. Since the book was half way between the two intersections it work either direction.
3rd way point was at the top of the WidowMaker hill. The book was hidden behind the shrubs behind a tree. Perform 10 Burpees at the top of the hill to honor The WidowMaker.
4th way point was by the road above the trail tunnel under the road. Again the book was behind a tree. Exercise is 30 hand release Merkins.
5th way point was across the trail from the small pavilion at the top of the hill overlooking the turf soccer field. At the storm drain under rocks was were the book was hidden. 50 dips was the exercise.
The 6th and final way point was next to the same pavilion on the field side under a bush. Exercise was 20 box jumps.
After making it back to the flag and turning in your 6 pages each team was given a new number (they have already ripped out all of the pages for their old number) and sent back out in a counter-clockwise direction.
4 teams finished 3 loops and with only 5 minutes left we collected at the flag for Mary as the final teams came in.
Hopefully all had fun and got in a good workout to boot.
We named our FNG Electric Worm who came by way of Devito. I happen to know EW as he was in YOUTH GROUP when I got to Alpharetta!
Prayers for those looking for jobs, friends and family who are hurting/ill.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
59. Yes, I am getting old. I don’t know what the next year holds but I know I will be a better man because of the HIM of The Alpha! You know you never “arrive”. Every turn along the path that looks like you have arrived reveals more road ahead. More character flaws to mend. More spiritual blind spots to correct. More ways I can accelerate physically. But I know with the help of the men in Alpha I will improve. Thank you all for being a part of my life. And thank you for not treating me like the old fart I am.
And when I start to tell you the story I have already told you 8 times before just say “shut up grandpaw” and we will move on!
Lumbergh, thanks for bringing donuts! That was a kind gesture. Too bad Miller Time could not eat any!
He-he, thanks for getting up early and going with your old man to workout. I love having you around!