Hindenberg BLIMPS Suicides
Another big group for the morning at the Rubicon. Great to see in the winter with “feels like” temps in the 20s.
Another big group for the morning at the Rubicon. Great to see in the winter with “feels like” temps in the 20s.
6 men showed up early for the Pre Ruck, when Dosido made a last moment entrance with his new wheels, making it 7 strong and…
YHC likes to venture over to East Roswell Park ever so often to see how those Gladiator boys are doing. This time I decided to…
Read moreCharles Bronson, Moby, and Michael Jackson all walk in to a #beatdown
After my battle with the novel cronovirus, I was ready to get back at it. My entire household missed “the gloom” and the camaraderie. Plus,…
YHC has been a little sad lately thinking about the end of football season and the fact that this is the first week without football…
Look – we all know that Aflac likes to design challenges to push the limits of the PAX that annoy GMonkey and most recently finding…
With a Q on the horizon, YHC was looking forward to improving upon the ever popular Farmer’s Mile by eliminating certain shenanigans against the Q…