No Surrender, Ropes of Love!
AO: The Wreck
When: 02/03/2021
QIC: Sellout
PAX (11): Backside, Vanilla, Switch, Pong, Wild Thing, Donor, Squeegee, Windex, Bear, Yankee
It has indeed been a brutal January for the mild temperature natured PAX. Today we finally have little wind and clear skies! Star shine is good even at 28* Ground is relatively dry. Seeing great commitment from some new PAX too.
QIC shut down the chatter with the call to action. “Let’s get it on!” Mosey into the gloom! Up to the top parking lot while running sideways, then the other sideways, then backwards, then forwards up the hill.
Ten sets of Toy Soldiers, Plank Jacks, Step through stretches, Shoulder taps. Mosey on!
The Thang:
Mosey to the football field. PAX line up on goal line. Proceed to perform 21s. Start with one Never Surrender. Bear Crawl 20 yards and 20 wide merkins. Run back to goal line and perform 2 Never Surrenders. Bear Crawl to 25 and 19 wide merkins. etc. Nice sweat and prayers were heard in the dark. Cut it slightly short to proceed to other fun and games.
Mosey to top of parking lot by concession stand. Grab partners. Partner A skips rope down the parking lot halfway. Performs 3 burpees and skips rope back. Meanwhile, partner B is performing Donkey Kicks. Partners switch. Proceed rinse and repeat through Stone Mountains, Flutter Kicks.
Now mosey to the playground. Stay with partner. Partner A will perform dips on benches while partner B performs 20 hanging knee raises from the monkey bars. Switch with partner. Rinse and repeat three times.
Mosey back to the flag. Time called. Good work men!
Hogwallow tomorrow. Sign up for Q sheet. We will have Q school this Friday morning after BD. Forgot to mention to order your F# The Wreck swag. Order form link is on the Slack Channel.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
We are very blessed men indeed. “May the Great Scoutmaster of all Scouts be with us till we meet again.”