Month: March 2021

The Rubicon Concession
With the last day of March upon us, it was time to tally the scores between the Rubicon and the Norseman. Scores meaning attendance for…

Lazy Dora with a burpee twist
As I got to Firehouse to open the gates, I found that Ace Ventura had cracked to code and bet me to the location, that…

Simple and painful
For this Monday morning, I had a great beatdown planned, but due to technical difficulties, only a decent beatdown was delivered. I had an epic…

Circuit Day @ Atlas
Got there early to set up. Today’s beat down will include Atlas stones, cinder blocks and Kettlebells. I saw on Slack that Circus was joining…

Moonlit Murder Bunny Madness
YHC has been plagued with allergies this Spring. It is possible I only slept 2 good hours last night. When the alarm went off, YHC…

Passover Inspiration
I love Passover, mostly because I love Matzah, but that food is a menace to my weight goal so YHC was thinking of pushing it…

A Girlfriend, Queen and a Hill Walk Into a Bootcamp…
It was time. Some had only heard of them in whispered conversations. So weren’t even sure what they were. Yes, the girls are back in…
Read moreA Girlfriend, Queen and a Hill Walk Into a Bootcamp…