Opposite Day at the Jammer
AO: Windjammer
When: 07/07/2021
QIC: Stu
PAX (13): Stu, Dr. Rico, Townie, Cox, Funyan, Hanson, NRA, Milli Vanilli, Stiff Arm, Nancy, Ann, Jennifer, Stefani
Welcome to Opposite Day at the WJ
Penalty of umpteen extra burpees due to Windward disrespecting Old Glory
Arm Medley
The Thang:
Mosey to big field, SSH/Burpees to Poker Face
Pair up for Doras for exercises and running the square………..
Up the hill, still no resolution to the unpatriotic infraction so more burpees
Thanks for making Nancy, Ann, Jennifer and Stefani welcome. Prayers for all the travelers and kids going to camps. Folks (Townie) returning to the office. Thanks for making me better!