Day: December 28, 2021
Upper Lot Circuit
It was another warm December morning at East Cobb Park…
Reindeer Games
With Christmas just 2 days away it was time to get Santa’s sleigh ready for the big night. A big part of the trip is…
Box Jumps at Your Own Risk
It was a balmy 61 degrees with overcast skies and full on summer-like humidity this am at The Academy. YHC hasn’t posted at this high…

2021’s final atlas beat down
The weather was great, but we kept the early start. Therefore, I didn’t know how many would show up. Started with 2 others, but then…

Holiday Merlot at the Rube
It’s been a while since YHC Q’d the Rubicon, and an open spot over the holiday week presented the perfect opportunity. Now, it goes without…

Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022
When Ha-ha posted last week that Norseman needed Qs to close out the year, YHC decided that his 2-year streak of Qing at the Norseman…