New Year’s Resolution Slide
AO: The Wreck
When: 01/05/2022
QIC: Sellout
PAX (13): Aflac, Tubbs, Juul, Bear, Squeegee, Raider, Norm, Donor, Backside, Vanilla, Meltdown, Sellout, Ibeam, RIP, Scratchoff
A nice balmy42 degrees with no wind and no dew on the ground met our lively bunch!
Led the PAX on mosey up the road and bedhind tennis courts and up the hill to back way of parking lot by main building. After disclaimer, performed Side straddle hop, Toy soldiers, side stretches, mountain climbers and plank jacks. Mosey around the pond begins….
The Thang:
While on said mosey, PAX dropped at every other lamp post to perform wide merkins 10, alternating with diamond merkins, 10. All the way around and to the football field.
At the field we took positions at the goal line.
PAX bunny hopped ten yards then drop and perform 20 Scoops. ( a scoop is a plank with yoour butt in the air. Proceed to almost touch nose, chin, chest, then crotch to the ground. ) Hop ten more yards repeat. Nice to hear some groaning sound effects rising from the gloom.
At the far goal line. PAX grabbed a partner. Partner A performed box cutters while partner B performed 20 jump squats followed by 10 Twinkle Toes. (calf raises while squatting) Five rounds performed.
Now PAX lizard crawled for five yards then perform 20 LBCs. Run 10 yards and repeat with crawling five yards etc. to the 50 yard line. Time to mosey!
Found ourselves at the playground pavilion where PAX performed in descending order, 30, 20 10, 5 dips interspersed with 20 LBCs. Then reversed order to repeat 5, 10, 20, 30 dips.
No for the Resolution Slide! PAX lined up in a morning call row while planking. Two PAX from either end ran to a slide and yelled out at the top of their voice their NEW Year’s Resolutions! (some will be known only to participants in order to protect the innocent)
Mosey back to the flag. Short Mary to the end.
Thanks for being an AWESOME AO Wreckers!
Remember to support Tubbs and his family.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Usually we have a Wednesday coffee at 7:30 at Crazy Love. All are invited.