Baseline Test: follow-up and first time
AO: Badapple
When: 08/01/2022
QIC: Sprocket
PAX (7): Chalupa, Queen, Red Ryder (D Mack), Rusty, The_OG Zima, TheBurn
At beginning of this year, QIC decided to offer the PAX a baseline test from which they could discover in what areas they were strong, in what areas they were weak. today’s workout was to serve as a follow-up for those who underwent the test in January and to establish a baseline for those taking it for the first time.
QIC advised PAX to arrive early to begin warming up. Even so, a series of SSH’s, Sungods, high knees, hillbillies were performed with 15 rep’s of each except for high knees which was for 30 seconds.
The Thang:
With scorecards prepared in advance in QIC’s best cursive-print typeface, each PAX was given a scorecard and the following “events” took place with short breaks afterwards for PAX to tally his own rep’ count, distance or elapsed time:
Squats w/coupon: max reps in 1 minute
Hand-Release Mercans: Max Reps
Standing Power Throw with 20# Med Ball
Pull or Chin-ups (individual’s choice): Max Reps
400 yards Coupon Shuttle/Run for Time (individual’s choice of coupon)
1 mile timed run
We expressed our thanks for the strengths that we have and our desire to lead wisely and decisively. Announcements include F3/FiA convergence this Saturday 6 August at Wills Park, 0700 Start and GrowRuck Event 9/11 hosted by F3 Cherokee region.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
We all have things to come easier for us, and, things that are more challenging, but, we can all work on our weaknesses to become better all-around. In the end, challenges reveal who we are as people and how much character we bring to bear whenever we’re faced with them. So, let’s keep encouraging each other to do better in our day-to-dat lives and, when challenges come, tough out situations which must be endured. It’s always an honor to lead such fine men. Sprocket out.