Farewell Summer
Since the summer is coming to a close with Fulton County schools starting up on Monday, YHC figured it would be a good time to…
Since the summer is coming to a close with Fulton County schools starting up on Monday, YHC figured it would be a good time to…
The following beatdown was brought to you by YHC — NOT a cross-fit, orange theory or any other type place like that. #notthattheresanythingwrongwiththat Coupons required…
2 prerunners & a post walker? Headed to the beach to get swole. No running allowed…other than the prerun…and the run to the beach.
The PAX gathered together on a relatively cool August morning to discover the proper way to perform a Burpee and celebrate the Q’s birthday.
As many are getting ready for BRR – too many options around here for hills. Farm Track was on the menu for some today, but…