Dora’s Revenge
AO: Jericho
When: 08/05/2022
QIC: Whiz
PAX (13): 5-Way, Baskins, Benny, Crab Cake, Hushpuppy, Schneider, Snowman, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass, Whiz, Corndog, Soul Glo, Bagel, Harbaugh
YHC has been starting to ramp up the weekly mileage so sat out the pre-run this week.
Head down to the middle parking lot for SSH, abe vigoda, good morning, sun gods, and willy mays hays (c/o Crab Cake).
The Thang:
Stay here and partner up for a Dora.
200 merkins, 300 squats, 400 LBC’s. Partner 2 runs the parking lot loop and does 1 wolverine at the halfway point.
PAX finished strong with some time left so we moseyed to a long row of picnic tables for some bench work. Derkins and Dips in rapid succession with sets of 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
Indian run back up to the flag and stop at the coupon pile for a quick round of colt 45’s.
Back to the flag with no time for mary (as YHC had no interest after 400 LBC’s).
Prayers for injured PAX, praises for new ones, and for all unspoken prayers from those present and absent.
Jericho charge: Be strong and courageous for the Lord is always with you. That said, always remember to ask for help from those around you and from your heavenly father.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Great to see guys pushing hard in the soupy gloom this morning. Nothing like suffering with other men seeking acceleration and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.