Redemption Q
AO: The Wreck
When: 09/09/2022
QIC: Moonshine
PAX (5): Moonshine, Rooney- timlonergan, Shrink, Sic’em, Whiff
One of the great things about F3 is even if you lead a completely horrific cluster Q you always have plenty of opportunities to redeem yourself.
Mosey to playground for SSH, weed pickers, hillbillies, Moroccan night clubs.
The Thang:
The pax started the morning out right with a little rotation of morning glory. Pax took turns counting out 10 pull ups while remaining pax did shoulder shrugs with the picnic tables.
Then mosey to the football field for some leg work.
Bataan death march got the pax’s legs feeling extra loose.
To tighten them back up yhc thought a little Lt Dan was in order. Beginning at the corner/goal line Lt Dan to opposite goal, Lt danger to other side of the field, Lt Dan back to other goal line, then burpee Dan to the opposite corner.
Next stop was the rock pile for some Muhammad Ali curls and skull crushers (don’t start counting until it starts hurting).
Then back to the flag for Mary consisting of Romanian dead lifts, alphabet (the pax actually had time to finish the whole alphabet), and a much appreciated cobra stretch to finish.
- Prayers for all of the BRR and Grow Ruck participants this weekend.
- Rooney’s dad had a car accident but no major injuries. Praise for keeping him safe and grateful for the reminder that we are not guaranteed what tomorrow will bring so love as well as you can today.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Wednesday yhc grabbed the Q with the wrong attitude and poor communication which is not a great leadership combination. Today yhc was given an opportunity for redemption with another empty Q spot and 4 willing participants. So yhc went back to the first beatdown he ever led (5 or 6 years ago) and hopefully redemption was achieved. As always, it was an honor to lead such a fine bunch of HIM.