Day: October 6, 2022

Swiper Birthday Q – 54
YHC made it through another lap around the sun…I dreamed of the future. What does it hold? Is it possible that I could one day…
Capture the Flag Part 4
YHC proclaimed that today would be a day of games to celebrate the Braves winning their 5th division title in a row the day before. …
Super Bad Beatdown
After a couple of cancellations (Toadstool speaking French from both ends and Ace Ventura not getting enough shut eye) we started the workout right on…

Stu’s Birthday Q
My Birthday wish was 20 PAX at the Norseman and that is exactly what we had. Thanks to each one of you for posting.

Take me out to the ballgame!
The regular season is OVER folks and while the hated Braves technically won the NL East, I’d like to point out that they have identical…