I need more Cowbell
AO: The Wreck
When: 10/31/2022
QIC: Raider
PAX (16): aflac, Backside, Bear, Blue, Catheter, custard, Foley, Grouch, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Miyagi, Moonshine, Raider, Rooney- timlonergan, Tubbs
Weather forecast did not look promising for a dry Halloween Q, so last minute modifications were made to take advantage of the shelters in Roswell Park. As normal, a little pre-beatdown setup was needed for the Halloween theme. Speaker charged and props in place – let’s get started!
The usual routine
SSH – 13
Windmills – 13
Weed Pickers – 13 (the synchronized clap needs some work)
Mountain Climbers – 13
Arm circles – 20 OYO
The Thang:
Thang 1: Yoga for the Werewolves – Playground shelter
Played the song Werewolves in London by Warren Zevon. PAX started in downward dog position. When the chorus had the wolf call, PAX did a transition into upward dog. Held plank during verses.
Thang 2: Cowbells for the Reaper – Playground shelter
Played the song Don’t Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult. Placed 6 Reaper dolls around the playground equipment. PAX paired up with partners. Partner A did coupon routine under shelter while Partner B bear crawled to first Reaper, did 3 burpees, then returned to shelter. When Partner A got back to shelter, they had to play 5 beats on the cowbell in synch with the song. PAX instructed to channel their inner Will Ferrel. Partners then switched and continued to next Reaper.
Coupon routine
Skull Crushers |
Overhead Press |
Romanian Deadlifts |
Rows |
Straight Arm Raises |
Chest Press |
Thang 3: Trick or Treat with Prison Inmate – Pond shelter
PAX moved to the shelter by the pond. Two boards were posted with routines for Tricks and Treats. A friendly Prison Inmate was sitting on the a park bench with a bucket of tricks and treats. Partner A ran around the pond to the Prisoner and reached into the bucket to get the trick or treat. Partner A returned to the shelter and performed the trick or treat exercise. Partner B then ran to the Prisoner for the same.
Trick | Treat |
Groiners | Monkey Humpers |
T-bombs | Jump Squats |
Crab Cakes | Pickle Pounders |
Crunchy Frogs | Flutter Kicks |
Knerkins | American Hammers |
Box-Cutters | Freddy Mercurys |
J-Los | LBCs |
Big Boys |
Prayers for ALFAC’s friend in time of need.
Congrats to the winners of the Battle at Big Creek
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always enjoy doing the holiday-themed beatdowns!