TourDeBadApple 72 Virgins
When its cold out, don’t stop moving and the cold wont effect you. – Vince Lombardi (probably)
When its cold out, don’t stop moving and the cold wont effect you. – Vince Lombardi (probably)
YHC is grateful that his daughter went through her “princess phase” well before FROZEN came out, so much earlier that her go-to reference for singing…
YHC was on the IR last week and didn’t realize I picked the same route, in reverse, as the week before.
Benny has one final day before turning 40….May have celebrated it too much last night…
A cold morning didn’t stop 10 men (including 3 pre-runners) from posting and working hard. I explained that as Thanksgiving week started, during the workout…
Call it a coincidence, but your YHC realized that USA gets its chance for redemption today after 8 years since it’s last World Cup game…