Squeegee B Day and The Stanky Porta
AO: The Wreck
When: 12/07/2022
QIC: Bear
PAX (14): aflac, Bear, Blue, Catheter, custard, Doogie, Echo, Grouch, Matt Shields-Norm, Rooney- timlonergan, Sic’em, Squeegee, Switch, Yankee
I didn’t know it was Squeegee’s b day today or else we would have celebrated!! Happy Birthday!! You are a good man and we respect you! We got you a septic truck experience for your b day.
Mosey to the gymnastics building hill. butt kicks up the hill. high knees down. bear crawl up. toy soldier down.
The Thang:
grab medium rock from rockpile by building. back to bottom of the hill.
- 25 kettle bell swings.
- side lunge 3 parking spaces
- 25 kettle bell swings
- side lunch opposite way back
- Repeat 2x
- Septic pump truck showed up about this time and gave us a nice aroma!!
Next set:
- shoulder press
- lunge or split squat 3 spaces
- hand release merkins
- lunch or split squat back
- repeat 3x
Rocks back and mosey to rockpile by playground / hill and grab another medium rock then head to base of hill.
- 10 burpees
- carry rock backwards up hill
- 10 slow merkins
- back down hill
- repeat 3x
Next set:
- bent over rows at bottom
- carry rock backwards up hill
- 20 jump squats at top
- back down
- 3x
return rocks and Back to flag
Great work on santa ruck donations and thanks Aflac, Cetheter and whoever else for organizing and getting the goods!!
Praying for roswell football player whose mom died of heart attach last Friday morning.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Experiencing the septic smell from the porta potty made me realize how hard some people’s jobs are. That guy does that all day every day. He may not smell the odors anymore but that likely means he can’t taste food very well either. Make sure and thank the people who have thankless and tough jobs.