Day: March 8, 2023

Playground power hour
YHC planned to avoid legs after being smoked by hillseeker. YHC also promised Squeegee no coupons. Promise kept but where is Squeegee?!?

1 pre pre runner 1 pre runner 1 pre walker

Stay Puft BDay Beatdown
12 Pax gathered for a Stay Puft birthday Beatdown.

A three-peat! That’s right, got the keys to Academy for the third week in a row. As many of our brethren were still licking their…

No Hills, Just Metallica
Post-Hillseeker beatdown was planned without much running or hills. All the members of the “Ok Boomer” team showed up to get stronger.
Super Mario Bro 3
Princess Peach is in trouble. Need to man up and rescue her.
Just a Beatdown
YHC picked up a somewhat little-time-to-plan Q mostly because it was probably the only way he was going to actually post this week… just being…

Dance Party at HALO
There was a beautiful moon over HALO…