Catch me if you’re in town
AO: The Wreck
When: 04/05/2023
QIC: Echo
PAX (8): aflac, Backside, Catheter, Coat Check, Matt Shields-Norm, Sell-out, Nutmeg
Spring break is in full swing but we had a dedicated group show up on an absolutely beautiful morning. Great temp, big moon, empty park.
Ran to top lot for some SSH, Hillbilly, Weedpicker, and Scarecrows
The Thang:
Ran down to the pond and time for a little catch me if you can:
- 1st lap
- Partner A began to circle pond doing Toy Soldier
- Partner B did 10 burpees and caught up, switch
- 2nd lap
- A does walking lunges
- B did 20 merkins
- 3rd lap
- was GOING to be bear crawl/freddy mercuries, but honestly these were taking a long time and this just seemed overly ambitious
Ran to the “perfect rock pile” by the pool/gym building. We all circled up, one man called out an exercise and then the rocks were passed to the right. There was a comical disparity in coupon weights.
We had a few prayers for those in our community going through cancer, really rough stuff. Let’s not forget to take advantage of our health by helping those who may not be so fortunate on that front.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
When I was back in the neighborhood walking our dog, I was able to catch up with some other neighbors and it hit me: we live in an awesome community. Between Church, the neighborhood, F3, pre-school, there are a lot of good things going on around us. I count myself fortunate to know so many wonderful people, and getting to spend time with some in the early morning is a blessing!
In town from clt, do yall meet at the first parking lot from Woodstock rd