One Year Anni
AO: Grindstone
When: 04/17/2023
QIC: jugdish
PAX (5): Corn Dog, Inseam, Spit Valve, Whiz
One year ago, YHC made one of the best decisions of his life. Time to celebrate with an uncharacteristically brutal beatdown.
Arrived a minute late and found the PAX running up to the top of the parking lot.
Abbreviated intro, good mornings, WMH,weed picker, imperial walkers, SSH
The Thang:
The only thing YHC really remembers from that first beatdown was doing burpees on the sidewalk while cars drove by while some guy called Snowman kept apologizing and trying to explain that the workouts were not usually this hard…
So, a set of 11s at the retention wall below the road. Donkey Kicks at the bottom, scale the wall, scramble up the hill for burpees and then run around via the sidewalk. With one catch…
From the time the PAX crest the hill until the last burpee of the set, we count cars and add that many wolverines to the end of the burpees. This had the intended consequence of the PAX racing through the burpees to lesson the chance that cars drove by…
The unintended consequences was the inherent chance and unfairness involved. On his last round of 10 burpees, YHC counted six car in quick succession that would prolong his agony, but the PAX cresting the hill 20 seconds later fired off all 10 burpees without any cars…
This was the only workout in history where bothe Whiz and Spit Valve complained. Best compliment ever.
Next, mosey to the wall between the fields for handstand pushups/balls (Buns?) to the.wall and wall sits… Like this: Max effort of HSP then max effort BTW then wall sit for the six. Was not a crowd pleaser
Then, mosey to the field, meet at the sideline for some running and abs. Run to the opposite yardline, sprint back for 10 WWII sit ups, repeat for 20 reverse LBC, 20 Box Cutters, 20 American hammers and close off with 10 WWII sit ups
General prayers of thanks and for life’s issues lifted up.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The last year has changed my life. The friends and mentors I’ve found through F3 have made me a better man. Thank you.