5 Beaches
AO: Galaxy
When: 06/06/2023
QIC: Jorts
PAX (9): Eric Lubell, Fannie, Jorts, Percy, Skol, Steamer, Tweaker, Wideright, Yearn
Operation Overlord (also known as D-Day), which occurred on June 6, 1944. Over 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch with 5,000+ ships and landing craft carrying troops and supplies and 11,000+ aircraft providing air cover and support. Over 4,000 allied forces lost their lives that day. We made 5 stops during the beatdown, 1 for each of the 5 beaches… Utah, Omaha, Sword, Gold, Juno
The Thang:
Pax grabbed 5 sandbags and moseyed to the first beach
YHC quizzed the pax on the names of the 5 landing beaches. For each one that the pax couldn’t name pax did that many burpees.
Partner up
one partner bear crawls up hill with a sand bag, other pax does 15 burpees. Swap out. For total of 3x up the hill
next beach YHC quizzed the pax on the names of the last 4 landing beaches. For each one that the pax couldn’t name pax did that many burpees.
lunge walk up the hill with sand bag, other pax does squats at bottom. 3x up the hill
mosey to next beach. YHC quizzed the pax on the names of the remaining 3 landing beaches. For each one that the pax couldn’t name pax did that many burpees.
bunny hops up the hill with overhead press at the bottom. 5x up the hills
mosey to the next beach YHC quizzed the pax on the names of the remaining 2 landing beaches. For each one that the pax couldn’t name pax did that many burpees. And the Pax finally got them all correct.
crab walk up the hill and bear crawl down. Al gore on a pine tree at the bottom.
mosey to the last beach. Burpee broad jump up the hill. Man makers with bags at the bottom. 2x trips up the hill.
Prayers for men who are not a part of this circle to find a circle like this.