Dodging Lightning
AO: Academy
When: 06/06/2023
QIC: Avis
PAX (4): Mayhem, Tank, Turbine
Well, I had a beatdown planned until….. lightning.
Out of caution I had to change things up at the last minute. Regardless, we still got out daily dose of burpees!
It’s summer, we’re always warm!
The Thang:
We moseyed to the coupon pile, grabbed a coupon, and moseyed to the parking deck.
We found some real estate at the bottom of the parking deck and executed part 1.
(We had to share our space with an older gentlemen sleeping in his car. Who hasn’t slept in their car after a wild Monday night in Alpharetta?!)
Part 1:
21 Thrusters
21 burpees
21 flutters-alpha
Run to the top of the deck
18 thrusters
18 burpees
18 flutters- alpha
Run to the top of the deck
. Keep descending by 3 reps
3 Thrusters
3 Burpees
3 flutters-alpha
At the end of our final trip to the top of the parking deck we did 50 in cadence flutter kicks.
We grabbed our coupons and rifle carried in the direction of the school.
Part 2 (AKA Avis thinking of stuff to do on the move)
1. We stopped on the sidewalk and started lunging until we reached a fire hydrant about …. (I’m not good with distance) yards away.
2. We did 20 American Hammers in cadence followed by 10 more AH with our coupons.
(At this point we had a No-See-Um doppelgänger run past.)
3. We rifle carried to another grassy spot and held a low plank for 1-ish minutes.
4. We then deposited our coupons and headed under the grandstands.
5. Under the grandstands we executed 10 Toes-to-beam. (Grab the beam and touch your toes to the beam.)
6. To top everything off we did 30 merkins, 20 in-cadence hello-dollies, 20 more merkins, and 10 burpees.
- Friday 5k @ Six Bridges Brewery at 5:00pm
- Sending continued love to our brother Turbine.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
“Beach body starts today!”