Penalty on the Play – Redo 1st and 10
AO: Grindstone
When: 07/07/2023
QIC: Vanna
PAX (10): Bill Dance, Corn Dog, Inseam, jugdish, Omaha, Snake, Spit Valve, Striker (Brendan Day), Swiper, Vanna
Omaha and Vanna had their VQ and enjoyed it and appreciate all the folks that came out.
A little jog followed by SSH, Weed Pickers, Good Mornings and Hillbillies. A run back to the field where we regrouped in the end zone.
The Thang:
1st and 10: Starting on the 10 yard line, do 10 merkins and 1 burpee, run to goal line (90 yards away), walk back to 20, do 9 merkins and 2 burpees, run…rinse and repeat. At 10 yard mark you’re always doing 11 total of merkins and burpees. By the time you get to the 10 yard line you’re doing 2 merkins and 9 burpees. Then in the end zone, finish with 1 merkin and 10 burpees.
Took a little breather and repeated 1st and 10. This time with single-leg lunges and jump squats as the exercises.
Balls to the wall and wall sits, followed by some core work. The core work was a great deal since we did them with coupons.
Finished with 60 secs of lbc’s.
There were no prayer requests, so a sense of gratitude for that. Lots of announcements about upcoming events.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It’s easy to get bogged down feeling that world is a big clusterf, but I see these morning workouts with each of you as the small pebble into a lake. It starts the ripples of my day and more often than not those ripples are much more positive because of you all. So the impact is felt way beyond 6:15am. It’s up to each of us to determine the ripples we create.