Ring around the rosey with supersets
AO: Starting Line
When: 08/16/2023
QIC: Valley Girl
PAX (8): Aunt May, Dunshire, Janeway, Jolt, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Sirmixalot
Another trip up to Dawsonville to see the Starting Line crew! Great to see a bigger crowd up here and an FNG – Welcome Aunt May!
Mosey to the back of the grocery store for WMH, Reverse lunges, hillbillies, SunGods, copperhead squats
The Thang:
Much the same as I did at Grindstone last week. 4 stations around the park. Run from station to station with the store wall as a base. 2 exercises at each stations – supersets. 7 reps of both, then 6, 5, 4, etc. down to 1 then run to next station.
Donkey Kicks/Prisoner squats
Mercans/ plank jacks
Lunges/Freddy Mercury
Donkey Kicks/Jump Squats
Bodybuilders/Crunchy Frogs
Wide Mercans / Mountain Climbers
SSH / Am.Hammers
Diamond mercans/can’t remember
Our FNG Aunt May didn’t hesitate to jump into COT and ask for prayers for his brother
SirMixalot M and MIL safe travels
Seaman’s son
SriptKiddies Daughter
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I heard the day after this beatdown that our FNG Aunt May had difficulty getting out of his car due to the donkey kicks and other leg stuff. Love it when that happens.