The X Games
AO: Firehouse
When: 08/17/2023
QIC: Seaman
PAX (8): Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, DDoS, Janeway, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Seaman, toadstool
Welcome back to Toadstool for his triumphant return to the gloom. Here’s to many happy returns to the gloom.
I think we had 5 for PR, I was just glad to make it on time and remembered to bring the java.
I was running on less than an optimum amount of sleep, so my inner curmudgeon was living out loud, but what can you do? You do what I say, I am the Q.
Disclaimer and warm up stuff:
Sun Gods
Reverse Sun Gods
Michael Phelps
Willy Mays Hayes
Finkle Swings
Grab a coupon for the thang…
The Thang:
If you were expecting skateboards and a ramp for the X Games, you were disappointed.
It was a simple idea, 10 reps of everything because X is also the Roman numeral for 10.
Start in the center of the soccer field, mercans
Farmer carry go to the Southwest corner of the field do Coupon squats
Farmer carry to the center, mercans
Farmer carry to the Northwest corner, Reverse LBCs
return to center, mercans
Rifle carry to the Southeast corner, skull crushers
return to the center, mercans
carry coupon to the Northeast corner, oil derricks (single leg deadlift)
return to the center, begin the second set of stuff
There was a surprising lack of mumblechatter throughout the BD. Hmmmmm….
This time we did glute bridges in the center, rifle or farmer carry to the corners and do new exercises:
SW: Freddy Mercurys
NW: Coupon Press
SE: Tricep Kickback (change it to a row, because of heavy coupons
NE: Americal Hammers
Once everyone completed this I told them to repeat the exercises but leave the coupon and run to the corners this round, which resulted in very indignant mumblechatter about doing squats without coupons. I may not make the mistake of trying to make things easier as we get later into the workout, but merely escalate the pain exponentially…
We were a good 30 minutes into it when I realized I never put any music on, and thought “Longhanks would be pleased”, so we pushed through without it.
We got through that second round (some of the high-speed gents started another run) and that was time.
Announcements: Darth Visor Memorial CSAUP 8/26, y’all are encouraged to join the fun, but Starting Line will be open as well.
Prayer requests for the pax
Acceleration point
You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the behaviors and habits that produce results.
Full disclosure: When sourcing ideas for this BD, I saw this MOC on one of Dumpster’s recent BBs, it was too good not to share.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
YHC brought coffee and we had some very spirited conversation, sticking with the safe subjects, like politics and religion.
We were just about to solve all of the world’s problems, but it was time for all of us to get to work, so the world will have to wait. Maybe next time.
I am glad to be a part of this F3 family.