Day: November 16, 2023

Hooch – Mounty 2.0 Birthday Celebration Q
Q in celebration of my 2.0 birthday. Tthere were no FNG, gave a quick discalimer.

Single 11s
Harder than I anticipated

Feel better Jorts
Jorts was sick so we showed up and crushed a good one so he’d feel better

HIIT w/Ruck
We showed up

I ♥ the Gloom
The pre-blast was simply "I love the gloom", and it drew a great crowd this morning. I guess we all do love it after all.
A Winters Tale or Exit Pursued by Bear
Shall I see thee in the gloom, Yonder morning where beatdowns commence? Shouldst I not my heavy heart Shall beat no more within my breast.…

NLB Run 11-13
Some of the group ran the Caney loop, MillerTime and Cookie rucked an out and back.