Leg Recovery Day (Upper Body Not So Much)
AO: The Hooch
When: 2024-02-26
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (16): Angus, Animal, Boomer, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Maguire, Meatball, Octane, PuffDaddy, Scrooge, Spackle, Sunshine, Utah, Zazu, Zima
Lot's of folks doing long runs over the last couple of weeks. Need to let the legs recover and get back to stressing the upper body. With a veteran crew, shortened disclaimer was given and off we went.Warm-O-Rama:
12 each of weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, hillbillies, Moroccan night clubs, Michael Phelps, and SSH's. Quarter Mile Mosey loop to the walkway.The Thang:
- Rolling Inch Worms with LOTS of HR Mercans - Starting at the walkway, conduct 5 plank jacks with a HR Mercan in between each rep. Pax then conduct a rolling inch worm out towards the north (20 meters), with each inch worm do a HR Mercan, then groiner to up, and continue on out to first parking line. At parking line, conduct 5 Peter Parkers with (you guessed it) a HR Mercan. Lunge walk back. Repeat through cycles, increasing to 10/15/20 reps. Imperial walker for the 6. 10 count then mosey to the back lot by Ari's (HA!)
- Modified Buster Douglas - At the west edge of the lot, conduct 1 Mike Tyson to 2 monkey humpers to 3 alpha air punches. Bernie Sanders across the parking lot, conduct 2/4/6 of each exercise; proceed through to 10/20/30; Hillbilly for the 6. Mosey to the flag
- Mary - 26 flutter kicks and that was TIME