With several PAX wanting to get back in the gloom but their work schedule and family obligations not allowing them to make it to Dawsonville/Starting Line, I decided to see if we could possibly setup something at Hancock Park in Dahlonega to allow them to get in a good Beatdown and some solid fellowship before the day started.
The Thang:
The plan was a ruck and Beeline suggested we take the wimpy mile, a run down Wimpy Mill Road that is all down hill, it is a fun/fast run and helps you get a good/solid/fast mile in, but to make it more interesting we decided to ruck the downhill mill, then turn around and Ruck back up the hill too. It made for a good workout and it was really great to catch up with 2 HIM that I had missed seeing at Starting line
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It was a worth the time and effort to set this up and I am planning on doing this again, soon.